
Fact of the Day:

Gamified learning

Making learning enjoyable encourages pupils to pay attention and remain focused on the subject. Our educational games exist to inspire people to learn outside of the classroom. There's also evidence that games help students focus so they can learn more effectively. Educational games can help students learn in a more scientific, fun, and efficient manner.


Tsumo's are smart proverbs that provide life guidance. They are the wisdom treasures. In a single sentence, they combine wisdom and poetry. In Zimbabwean culture, proverbs are very important. The primary purpose of proverbs is to instruct and educate the audience. They frequently offer professional advise, with the goal of informing readers about the consequences of their actions

Practise and Pass

Practice testing is most effective way of studying, according to Kent State researchers. Cramming is not the way to go if you want to not only pass a forthcoming test but also study and retain the knowledge covered on it. Distributed practice, or stretching out your study sessions throughout time, is far more effective. The larger the gap between study sessions, the more material you will recall. By waiting weeks or months between testing sessions, practice tests and sample questions can readily be used for distributed practice.